Take Back Your Keys Of Love And Happiness. You Own Them.

We all have our own keys to love and happiness, but sometimes we give them away and place them in the hands of others.

Sometimes we seek love and happiness in the wrong places, which may include searching for them in people, places, and things. We think that getting into a relationship will mean we're worthy of love, getting a promotion at work means we're successful, or moving abroad will solve all our problems, but that's never the case.

Think back to a relationship you had where no matter what your significant other was doing, it was never enough. They did everything they possibly could to please you, but you were still dissatisfied. Throughout the relationship, all you kept telling them was "you don't tell me you love me enough," "you don't show me off enough." We often place blame on others when we're externally seeking love. This is to avoid the responsibility of working on self-love.

A very important life lesson I learned early on was that nobody is your source of love and happiness. If you keep the keys with you, you can activate those feelings anytime you desire.

Working on self-love can be scary at first. I was once in that exact same spot. The last person you ever wanted to face was yourself. But I'm here to tell you that it takes practice. It's not something that you can expect to change overnight. However, once you persist and put in the work, your life will become blissful, you'll attract wonderful people, your experiences will be more enjoyable, and you'll begin to look at life differently.

- Lara Malak

As I began to love myself, I found that anguish and emotional suffering were only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.
— Charlie Chaplin

How Working On Self-Love Led To Manifesting The Perfect Relationship