Journaling Into existence

Journaling into existence

  • Magnificent hardcover or paperback 5.5’’ by 8.5’’ size with a total of 414 pages

  • A beautifully crafted journal that acts as a manifestation guide to lead you through the journey of achieving your dream life

  • Focuses on programming your subconscious mind to make manifesting easier

  • A journal that keeps you accountable every single day

  • 6 months worth of intimate space to journal your desire into existence

what journaling into existence features

  • Manifestation Tips With Exampled Scenarios

  • Uplifting Quotes

  • Step-by-Step Journaling Instructions

  • Morning and Night Journal Prompts

  • Exercise to Release Limiting Beliefs

Morning Journal Prompts

Journaling Into Existence features daily morning exercises that work to set you up for success starting from the beginning of your day. By taking as little as five minutes to journal in the morning, you allow for the creation of a safe space to nourish a positive and goal oriented mindset. Enabling yourself to fixate on your deepest desires and emotions is a vital step in your manifestation journey.

Night Journal Prompts

Journaling Into Existence additionally features nightly journaling prompts that coexist with the morning prompts in order to optimize self-reflection. The way you go to bed is very important. The energy you went to sleep in is the energy that gets carried through the night. It’s important to resolve any lingering unwanted feelings before sleep.