I Cured My Eczema In A Week

I cured my eczema through the power of my mind. The top of both my hands had a very dry patch. The more I itched, the worse it got. In addition to chronic itchiness, they were red and scaly.

I instantly knew this wasn’t just a matter of dehydration because applying lotion and drinking more water was not helping. I knew the matter was bigger. I went straight to my doctor, who confirmed it was, in fact, eczema. I began crying and realized one of my fears had manifested. I remembered a friend of mine who has eczema and the level of maintenance and care it requires. She would constantly have scaly patches and would carry creams everywhere with her.

Eventually, I went home with a prescribed medical cream. As upset as I was when I got home, I remembered that I can manifest curing my eczema. Remember, your subconscious mind does not know what’s real and what’s imagined. I decided to give it a try.

I began affirming that I am the healthiest I have ever been. That affirmation alone was enough for me. Whenever I said it, I imagined my hands were cured. I still used the prescribed cream for a week. Every time I put on the cream, I imagined patch-free, hydrated hands. I kept telling my hands, as I rubbed the cream, "You are fine. We will get over this. You are healed. I love you." I imagined a pink ray of light radiating love to my hands.

Every day leading up to a week, my hand was getting better by drastic amounts. The patch that was once big began shrinking at a fast rate. Exactly a week later, my eczema was gone.

Anything is possible. You can manifest anything through the power of your mind. Declare it into your reality and so it shall be presented.

By: Lara Malak