Manifesting Money Is Easy

I remember growing up hearing beliefs about money such as "you have to work hard for your money," "money is the root of all evil," "money doesn't grow on trees," and "everything is always so expensive because the cost of living is too hard to keep up with." I could go on for days about what I heard growing up. For a while, these beliefs became dominant in my life.

It wasn't until I witnessed my parents almost not being able to afford rent for the month that I became determined to become wealthy. At such a young age, I held onto the image that I would become wealthy when I grew up, but I didn't know I was unconsciously manifesting it. I was only 13 years old, and I didn't know what manifesting was. I was witnessing my parents go through what I now know was a recession. When it comes to manifesting money, all the negative beliefs you had about money need to be wiped out of your subconscious mind. You need to retrain your mind to not fear earning and spending money. I have trained my subconscious mind and now experience the reality that every time I spend money, I get back 2, 3, or 4 times the amount. Money is abundant, and there is more than enough to go around. You, I, and everybody reading this blog deserve to live an abundant life.

The reality you are experiencing right now began with a planted thought. A thought you constantly watered until it sprouted into a plant. Why not choose to plant thoughts like:

  • You can live a very comfortable life and not have to worry about money.

  • Your job pays a very high salary that allows you to save money and/or invest in assets.

  • You have a booming business.

All of this is possible through retraining your subconscious mind with new and blissful thoughts about money.

I am not saying you should go out and buy every expensive thing you have always wanted. You can simply start by walking into shops where you want your future, rich self to shop and say, "I can afford this, but I will buy it next time." You can even take it a step further and visualize yourself walking out of the store having bought all the lavish things you've ever dreamed of. It doesn't have to be only lavish things, though. You can go on a shopping spree simply because you deserve and feel like it.

The world is truly in your hands. Go out and experience the life you've always wanted. You truly deserve to be, do, and have anything you want.

By: Lara Malak

If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.
— Bob Proctor