I Manifested What Once Felt Impossible: My Driving Test

For as long as I can remember, I was always made fun of for never getting my driver's license and for not being a good driver. As kids, many of us dreamed of the day we could drive, but it wasn't a desire of mine. Unfortunately, the memories of what my closest people said kept replaying in my mind. It was as if I had accepted the fact that I would never learn how to drive, or even if I did, I wouldn't be good at it.

Fast forward to my early 20s, I finally completed the theory test and passed on my first try. For context, in Canada the driving test is broken up into three tests:

  • Theory (G1)

  • Main road (G2)

  • Highway test (G)

The time limit to finish all three tests was five years. The theory test wasn’t an issue because I simply saw it as a multiple choice test. I always did well in school, so I saw this test as no different. After getting the theory test out of the way, I postponed going for the main road test for another two years.

I was in my third year and knew I needed to take the main road test soon because I wasn't going to redo the entire process. I went to driving school and completed the 10 hours of driving. However, all I can remember was my driving instructor telling me I needed to practice more on my own time as 10 hours was not enough. I felt discouraged and developed a love-hate relationship with driving. Despite this, deep down, I really wanted to improve my driving skills. It was just difficult when my driving instructor doubted my abilities to drive.

I took my main road driving test a total of three times. I kept failing for the smallest mistakes. It was brutal. It weighed down on me. After failing for the second time, I decided to script my success into existence. Every time I felt down, I would script. I finally had the courage to take the driving test for a third time and I passed. All that remained now was the highway test, but I kept putting it off

With only one year left to complete all the driving tests, I felt stressed about getting back on the road and practicing. The thought of it made me worry and cry.

It wasn't until I met my best friend that I learned she had been in the same position as me - she had failed her main road test twice. However, unlike me, she had gotten a car and had become comfortable with driving. She encouraged me to overcome my fear and offered to teach me how to drive without anxiety so I could pass my highway test. To do this, I knew I had to replace my old beliefs with new thoughts such as 'I am a good driver', 'I am good enough', and 'I have my driver's license'

Every time she picked me up for practice, I would listen to a self-love meditation, recite affirmations, and visualize myself driving on the road. It seemed to work! My best friend even started repeating my affirmations and had full confidence that I would pass my highway test on the first try.

After months of practice, I booked my driving test and passed the highway test on my first attempt. This experience taught me that anything is possible if you change your mindset and feed your subconscious mind with positive thoughts. You can manifest anything, even the seemingly impossible.

By: Lara Malak


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