Mirror Work Is A Powerful Technique In Your Self-Love Journey

Mirror work is a technique I found out about early in my self-love journey. Essentially, it involves standing right in front of the mirror and saying affirmations out loud. For context, affirmations are anything we say and think - it's essentially the dialogue in our head.

When I first began mirror work, it felt very uncomfortable. It was hard to look at myself right in the eye and say "I love you." I broke down into tears and wanted to give up, but something inside of me told me to keep going.

I continued with mirror work for days, and thank God I did. There's something about me that I never give up. It's still something I do on a daily basis. There is something so powerful in saying self-love affirmations to yourself. The self-love affirmations can be as simple as:

  • I love you

  • I am love

  • I am loved

  • I am worthy

  • I am good enough

I learned early in life to be my own cheerleader. Nobody will hype me up better than I can. Sure, I can have friends and family who will give loving comments, but if I abandon working on self-love, the impact of other people telling me it won't be as strong.

A technique to get you started with your mirror work is to talk to yourself how you would talk to others. Many times we compliment people so much that when we receive a compliment, we reject it. Learn to accept compliments, but more importantly, practice telling yourself self-love affirmations.

By: Lara Malak


How Working On Self-Love Led To Manifesting The Perfect Relationship


But first, self-love