Getting Accepted Into The Dream Program - Success Story!

Before you begin reading this success story, please note that it has been shared by one of my clients. To maintain confidentiality, I will not be including their name in the story.

For a long time now I’ve been trying to apply and get accepted to dental school. In the previous application cycle/year I was close to being accepted, but I wasn’t in the end. This application cycle I got many rejections once again and wasn’t sure what was going to happen as I only had a few schools left to hear back from. Earlier this year in the summer, I had a quick session with Lara and she told me about manifestation and things I can do that will end up getting me accepted. So I tried some of these things such as visualizing myself in dental school, getting rid of any negative beliefs that I had, and some positive affirmation as well. While I was doing this, I was still waiting to hear back from a school, and the school was about a month delayed in sending out offers. Lara told me not to worry because they’re writing the perfect letter for me, and sure enough within the next couple of days I got an offer letter!


Passing The Exam That Once Seemed Impossible - Success Story!