Passing The Exam That Once Seemed Impossible - Success Story!

Before you begin reading this success story, please note that it has been shared by one of my clients. To maintain confidentiality, I will not be including their name in the story.

My success story -  I passed my Dietitians Exam!

I met Lara through a mutual friend, I am so thankful that I have. 

It started off by studying together for our Registered Dietitian Exam as we were both newly graduates and ready for the next step. Obviously, this exam is a big deal! It is a very stressful time for future dietitians; months of preparation and hard work.

Thankfully, I had Lara on my team. 

Lara is such a caring and calming soul, she is one of the most selfless people I have met. She is a good teacher and listener. She will make sure that you are aligned with your goals and that they come true. She will guide you depending on what you need. 

I was lucky enough to have some private sessions with Lara. We did some writing exercises and guided meditation together. 

I am still new to all of this; I was always interested in meditation but always told myself it wasn't for me. I had given it a try a few years back, but did not know where to start.  With Lara, she knew exactly what would work best for newbies like me.

I explored meditations from Blissful affirming Youtube channel. I worked on self love, believing in myself and visualizing my dream job and what it  would mean to me  to pass my dietitian exam. 

I've also purchased Lara’s book; used it as a tool for affirmations and journaling. 

Few months went by; I ended up failing the first time around. I couldn't believe it, I was discouraged.  I thought I had done everything I was supposed to, I really thought I was going to pass. It was a tough time for me, I felt as if my dreams would never be achieved and it was a big step back from where I wanted to be.

After allowing myself to feel my emotions, I was ready to start over and make my dream a reality. “I want to be a Registered Dietitian, and I will!”

I had a few months to prepare for the second exam. Through it all; I had Lara by my side, sending me positive energy, making sure I was not giving up on myself.

This time around, I also did some meditation, journaling and affirming as ways to achieve my goals.  

However, this time it felt different, it felt right. I REALLY believed in myself. 

After reflecting on it; It seems like the first time around I was trying too hard. I was overly confident that everything would end up perfectly like I wanted But I wasn't really connecting to what I wanted.

Lara was right; she has told me so many times that I have to BELIEVE in myself for it to work. 

I thought I was believing in myself, but I knew deep down I had these feelings of doubts and negative thoughts, all blocking me from achieving my goals. After understanding how to believe in myself and letting go of the fear of failure, I was able to get what I wanted. 

I was successful the second time around. I passed my dietitian exam!! I can now start a new chapter in my life. I couldn't have done it without all my friends and family to support me, but especially Lara that helped me tremendously.

The lesson here is that you shouldnt be discouraged if things don't go as planned the first time. Instead you should focus on the fact that if you truly believe it; you can make anything happen.  You're in charge of your life, you're the narrator. 

Thank you Lara! 


Getting Accepted Into The Dream Program - Success Story!


Passing The Dietetic Registration Exam