Passing The Dietetic Registration Exam

As some of you may have read from the “About" section on my website, I am a Registered Dietitian (RD). After completing the undergraduate program at university and the 1250 hours of internship post-graduation, I had to take the registration examination.

For years, I’ve dreamt of becoming a Registered Dietitian. I placed it so high on the pedestal that it meant everything to me. I studied for three months and took the exam. I was so confident in passing. I applied to RD jobs and secured one just before the exam marks came out. I felt ecstatic. I didn’t feel the need to script, except for once. I didn’t put much effort in this manifestation because I heard from many people that the exam had a high passing rate.

The exam marks came out and I unfortunately was devastated once I found out that I did not pass. My life for the first time truly felt upside down. I wasn’t myself for weeks.

As I previously mentioned, during the moment I was experiencing an all-time high, I got an idea to create a manifestation journal. By the time I wrote the exam the first time, my book had not yet been published.

I decided to continue writing the book. It felt like therapy. I was taking my mind off of dietetics for a bit. I managed to finish and publish the book about a month and a half before I wrote the dietetic examination for the second time.

If you're familiar with my manifestation journal, Journaling Into Existence, you’ll know it’s a journal with morning and night prompts that you answer on a daily basis to help you manifest your dream desire. I answered every single day the morning and night journal prompts. The journal made me have an epiphany and everything started to make sense. I was placing my RD license so high on the pedestal! I forgot all about me.

This time, I told myself no matter what happens, I will not lose myself in the process and that God will have something better in store for me, if I failed again. I went ahead and scheduled my examination. Although this time, I did things differently. I still studied, however now I was journaling everyday. I was also affirming, I am a Registered Dietitian whenever I thought about the examination.

A few months went by, I wrote the examination for a second time and I successfully passed. I now hold the Registered Dietitian license.

If you’d like to see my success story on my Instagram post, follow me on there at blissfulaffirming.

To purchase a copy of my manifestation journal, click the purchase button below and manifest your dream life today. We all have the power to create the life of our dreams.

By: Lara Malak


Passing The Exam That Once Seemed Impossible - Success Story!


I Manifested My Dream Job In 3 Days