I Manifested My Dream Job In 3 Days

Through the power of scripting, I manifested my dream job in just 3 days. I had been searching for jobs in the market but hadn't found anything that interested me. Although I managed to get some interviews, I turned down many offers simply because they weren't truly what I wanted.

Since I had previously used scripting to manifest my desires and had succeeded, I decided to use it again for this situation. There was a lot of ambiguity in my search, but I knew the job traits I was looking for. I titled it "My Dream Job" and began jotting down everything I wanted in point form. One of the many things I wrote down was to have a remote job with a specific hourly rate, a laid-back manager, a 3-day weekend, and a full-time position.

Three days later, I was on LinkedIn and came across a job posting that caught my attention. I didn't know much about the job, but I knew it was a full-time remote position, and healthcare professionals could apply. That same day, I heard back from the employer and was scheduled for an interview. During the interview, I was not asked any questions other than to verify my qualifications. Immediately the hiring manager started telling me about the job description, tasks, hours, and pay. Everything sounded pleasant, and I agreed to the job offer on the spot.

At this point, I had been working at my new job for a month and had forgotten that I had scripted this job into existence down to a T.

By: Lara Malak


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