Should I Be Sharing My Desires With Others BEFORE It Manifests? 

Before you start reading this blog, please note that there is no right or wrong answer to the question discussed. I'm sharing my perspective on this topic.

In many cases, we are eager to share our manifestation goals with others, but they may not reciprocate our excitement. Ultimately, how they respond is influenced by your current limiting beliefs surrounding the situation.

I’ll provide two examples below:  

Example #1: Let's say you're trying to manifest a new job, but you're limiting belief is that finding a job will be difficult because you're currently unemployed and the job market is saturated. In this case, your friends and family might reflect back to you that it could be challenging to get a job after being unemployed for a while, or they might say things like "good luck finding a job, it's tough out there." Essentially, they are mirroring your current limiting beliefs about your desire.

Example #2: If you have been manifesting your specific person for a short while and your dominant beliefs are that you and this person will find a way back to each other, they miss being with you, they are thinking of you, and they know that nobody will ever compare to you, then when you share your desire with others, they will likely mirror back to you your dominant beliefs and be supportive.

To better understand this concept, it's important to remember that everyone is simply a mirror of yourself. I discussed this idea in more detail in my blog post on Everyone Is You Pushed Out.

It's important not to react if you don't receive the desired response from others when sharing your manifestations. Reacting negatively can cause you to spiral and become trapped in your current 3D reality. However, if you find yourself in this situation, don't worry. Simply become aware that there may still be limiting beliefs that you need to work on. Sometimes our limiting beliefs are deeply rooted in our subconscious, and hearing them from others can help us become more aware of them. Remember, awareness is always the first step towards change.

By: Lara Malak


Everyone Is You Pushed Out