Everyone Is You Pushed Out

Everyone Is You Pushed Out is a concept coined by Neville Goddard, which states that what you assume to be true of yourself and others will be reflected in your reality. Although it may seem complicated to grasp at first, putting it into practice and seeing the physical evidence can help make it clearer.

Years ago, when I first heard about Everyone Is You Pushed Out, I was skeptical. However, the more I learned about manifesting, the more it began to make sense, since nothing can exist outside of our own consciousness.

I recall a challenging coworker who made my shifts feel interminable. To improve the situation, I began assuming that we got along well, that she was pleasant and kind to work with. At first, it seemed like nothing was changing, but I persisted with my affirmations. Over time, I began to experience a new version of her, and eventually, we developed a positive working relationship. Even though we no longer work together, we still keep in touch.

My life has never been the same since learning about Everyone Is You Pushed Out. While it can be a challenging concept to understand at first, once it clicks, your life will begin to make so much sense.

By: Lara Malak

The whole vast world is yourself pushed out. All that you behold, though it appears without it is within in your own wonderful human imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow
— Neville Goddard

Should I Be Sharing My Desires With Others BEFORE It Manifests? 


Law Of Assumption