Law Of Assumption

The Law of Assumption is a fundamental principle of manifestation proposed by Neville Goddard. It states that your assumptions shape your reality. If you assume something to be true, it will manifest in your life. Conversely, assuming something to be false will prevent it from manifesting in your reality.

You can apply the Law of Assumption to any aspect of your life. For example:

  • For instance, if you assume that you can consume anything you desire and still maintain your weight, you will attract that experience into your reality. We all know someone who claims, "I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight," just as we know someone who asserts, "I gain weight by simply looking at cake." Your assumptions are conveyed to the universe and reflected back in your reality. Hence, the friend who can eat without gaining weight will not experience weight gain, and conversely, the friend who gains weight effortlessly will continue to do so.

  • If you assume that your co-worker is rude and unfriendly, you will experience them as such. Have you ever had a different opinion of someone than your friend? Your friend may see that co-worker as the sweetest person, while you have a completely different experience of them. This is because your assumptions about the person create your reality and the way you perceive them.

To initiate a change in your life, you must first change your assumptions. It must start from within.

By: Lara Malak

Your assumption, to be effective,
cannot be a single isolated act, it
must be a maintained attitude of
the wish fulfilled.
— Neville Goddard

Everyone Is You Pushed Out


Living In The Wish Fulfilled