Living In The Wish Fulfilled

Living in the wish fulfilled is a singular but powerful technique in manifesting. It involves embodying the inner knowing and feeling that your desire is already yours, without any fear or uncertainty. You trust and have complete confidence that your desire has already been fulfilled and is ready for you to experience it in your reality. Essentially, you are living in your mind as if your desire has already come into fruition. This involves visualizing and feeling the emotions of having your desire, as if it has already happened in your life.

I’ll give you a few examples:

  • If you want to own your first house, living in the wish fulfilled would mean stepping into the state of consciousness where you are already a first-time homeowner. Ask yourself how you would feel if you were a homeowner? Your response will be your answer on what it feels like to live in the wish fulfilled. You may feel content, accomplished, and excited. In addition to feeling, you may visualize seeing your name on the contract and how your house looks on the inside.

  • If you want to manifest marriage, living in the wish fulfilled would mean stepping into the state of consciousness where you already are married. You see yourself wearing that wedding band on your finger, cooking with your partner every evening, and cuddling up for movies. You also feel the emotions of love, bliss, and serenity as if you are already experiencing those moments in reality.

When it comes to living in the wish fulfilled, ask yourself how you would think, feel, and act if you had already manifested your desire? All of these elements combined will represent your wish fulfilled.

By: Lara Malak

All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled.
— Neville Goddard

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