Birds Before Land

Birds Before Land is a sign from your higher power (God, universe, source) indicating that you are very close to receiving your manifestation.

An analogy you can use is buying something online and having it delivered to your doorstep by a drone. You see your package in the air, making its way to you. The package in the air represents your manifestation, and your doorstep represents the fulfillment of your manifestation. It's not quite at your doorstep yet, but it's very close. That's what Birds Before Land is.

You can also think of it as a "partial manifestation" because it's not the full manifestation yet. However, don't rely too much on signs as you will keep creating them. You want to experience the fruit of your labor, which is your manifestation. If you're truly living in the wish fulfilled, you'll never need constant reassurance and validation.

It’s only fitting now to give my real-life example of Birds Before Land. Back when I was manifesting my specific person, a previous ex of mine confessed his love and asked me out. He said everything I wanted my specific person to tell me. I knew right away that was my Birds Before Land. It was essentially a partial manifestation because I heard everything I wanted my specific person to tell me, but it wasn't from the person I wanted to hear it from. A few days later, my specific person asked me out to dinner, and that’s when he confessed his love for me. Shortly after, he asked me to be his girlfriend.

This topic's takeaway is not to get too caught up with experiencing "Birds Before Land" with every manifestation. It's not always necessary to have it happen. However, if you do experience it, that's great! Just acknowledge it, thank your higher power, and continue living as if your desire has already been fulfilled.

By: Lara Malak


Living In The Wish Fulfilled


Surrender, Allow And Receive