Surrender, Allow And Receive

We have all desired something so much that it was difficult to let go and trust our higher power (God, universe, source) to bring it to fruition. It's important to understand this concept to ease your manifestation journey.

Here's an example: After you set your intention, your higher power hears it and prepares to deliver it. However, the more you dwell on the outcome, think about how it will happen, and focus your attention on the contrary of your desire, the longer your manifestation will take. It's like eagerly waiting for something to happen while sitting on the edge of your seat.

Have you ever noticed that when you want somebody to text you, it doesn't happen until you focus your attention on something else? It's the same with manifesting. The second you declare your desire, your higher power hears you and prepares everything to deliver it to you. It's not up to you to figure out the "how." The "how" refers to how things unfold. Your job is to set the intention and continue nurturing your desire with thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Something that has helped me tremendously in my journey was to imagine the higher power moving things around in order for me to experience my manifestation. For example, if I wanted to manifest a specific person, the universe will send signs to my specific person that remind them of me, they may see people who look like me, they may be reminded of me with things we used to do, they may smell my perfume. Truly I can go on and on. Nobody knows the “how”. It can be overwhelming for some, but for me, it's exciting. It's exciting because it's what I refer to as getting surprised by the universe. Your higher power always delivers your desires in ways you have never imagined.

If you're struggling to grasp this concept, imagine going on a road trip from Toronto to Quebec. You wouldn't keep checking the GPS to see how long it will take to reach your destination. Instead, you would sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey, trusting that you will eventually get there. Similarly, when manifesting, putting too much attention on the outcome can be like missing a few exits, which can slow down your progress. But the good news is that you can always get back on track.

By: Lara Malak


Birds Before Land