How I Manifested A $425 Hair Treatment For Less Than 1/4 The Price

During the winter, I tagged along with my friend while she got a hair treatment. I was impressed by the outcome. However, I decided to postpone trying it out until the summer.

The hair treatment was Nanokeratin. For background context, Nanokeratin is a type of hair treatment that is similar to keratin treatment but contains organic active ingredients. The treatment is designed to straighten and smooth hair, leaving it shiny and frizz-free for a longer period of time.

While sitting in the salon, I had a fleeting thought: “Wouldn't it be amazing if I could manifest paying only a fraction of the cost?”

After a few weeks, the salon announced on social media that they were looking for a model and only charging $100. I took it as a sign that my manifestation was starting to come true. Despite the tempting discount, I hesitated and told myself it was too soon, and the salon would probably be offering this opportunity again later in the summer.

I didn't obsess over it; instead, I remained confident that it would come to pass. Whenever my friend brought up the treatment, I would express my excitement by saying, "I'm looking forward to getting the treatment when summer comes." I had a strong sense that it would come true.

By the start of May, the salon was once again searching for models. I decided to message them, but unfortunately, they didn't respond to my message that night.

I affirmed to myself that even though the salon left me on read, I would receive a message from them the next morning expressing their interest in having me as a model.

The next morning, to my delight, I received a text message asking me to come in for the treatment that same day. Despite being told that they weren't accepting any more models, the salon felt compelled to make an exception for me.

One important takeaway from this blog is to have fun with manifesting. Remember, there are no big or small manifestations. Whether you're manifesting a cup of coffee or a new car, the principles remain the same. So, don't be afraid to manifest the things that bring you joy, even if they seem insignificant to others. The universe wants you to be happy and fulfilled, and there's no limit to what you can manifest.

Throughout the summer, my hair will maintain its shiny and sleek appearance as a result of the Nanokeratin treatment I received. The photo accompanying this blog showcases the results of the treatment on my hair.

By: Lara Malak

Our imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.
— Albert Einstein

How I Manifested Winning A $10,000 Funded Trip To Guatemala