How Working On Self-Love Led To Manifesting The Perfect Relationship

Before you begin reading this success story, it has been shared by a client of mine. Their name will not be included in the success story, due to confidentiality purposes.

Where do I even begin to explain how Lara has helped me. Her light and love has shaped me into a new person throughout the past year.

Before I knew Lara and the power of self love she teaches, I was insecure, jealous, on a low vibration and constantly seeked validation. I was in a toxic relationship that didn’t allow me to flourish, and allowed myself to be disrespected because I didn’t even respect myself to begin with. After endless days and nights of crying and hating where I was in life, Lara guided me towards self love, journaling, meditating and putting the “love” I had for my boyfriend at the time towards myself. I think that is where it all began. Ever since I started to view myself as the prize and wouldn’t allow any disrespect, my whole perspective on love and relationships shifted. I no longer tolerated even the smallest amounts of toxic traits and spent the year healing and putting myself first. I wasn’t focused on boys or impressing them, did not care about my ex, and did things for me. To say it was easy would be a lie because healing isn’t easy. It was probably the hardest thing I ever did but Lara was there through it all and would put me back on track even on my hardest days.

After a year of ups and downs, but always putting myself first, I am now in a healthy happy relationship because I put my own needs above everyone else’s and did not lower my standards for anyone.

I am now happier than I have ever been and am with someone who actually values me, and I am no longer insecure or need validation because I give that to myself. This all wouldn’t have been possible without Lara and I am truly thankful to have met her when I did.

It is never too early or too late to start your self love journey but it definitely came easier knowing I had someone like Lara in my life to guide me. Remember that you do not need to find love in someone else because the only love that matters is the one you give to yourself.


What To Do When They Come Back As The Same Version