What To Do When They Come Back As The Same Version

Over and over again, I hear about people manifesting their ex back, and they come back the same version they were before they left. It’s like the old story keeps on replaying. In this article, I’ll explain why this happens.

First off, well done if you manifested your specific person! You’ve persevered and locked a vision in your mind that they will return. However, you’re now upset that they are still the same version. Why does this happen? The reason is that you were more likely fixated on them coming back rather than manifesting a new version of them. So, what do you do? You focus on self-love and improving your self-concept. You turn the focus back onto yourself. I will give you a few scenarios on what I mean:

If in the past they constantly chose to play video games with their friends instead of spending time with you, ask yourself: where in your life currently are you placing yourself second-best?

You have to begin putting yourself first. Learn to say no when your friends want you to go out after an exhausting day at work, or focus on your needs first before worrying about other people’s needs.

If now, they are not showing as much affection as you wanted, give yourself love. The world is a mirrored reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. When you give yourself love, your reality has to mirror it back to you. It’s the law of projection. Spend quality time with yourself, go out for a walk, try a new restaurant alone, buy yourself flowers, or book a solo trip.

At the end of the day, you are not obligated to stay with your specific person if they are not the ideal version of what you want. Have standards and do not settle for less only because they came back. It’s okay to back away to focus on self-love. Remember to focus on yourself and how to fill up your own cup rather than focusing on changing the other person. The world is a reflection of you. You change, they change. You deserve to have the dream relationship you have always wanted. You are worthy, you are amazing, you are loved, you are powerful.

By: Lara Malak


How Working On Self-Love Led To Manifesting The Perfect Relationship